A new record price for a Limousin was achieved at Hexham Auction Mart’s May sale at Hexham, when the Priestleys sold their pre-sale champion, Brontemoor Superman for 8000gns.

Living up to his name for the family from Cracrop, Brampton, was a Knock Msport son, purchased by G and EA Heardman, Lunns House.

The Priestleys also took 5500gns from WR Webster, East Plemeller, for the Limousin bull, Brontemoor Sambo.

The reserve champion from A and W Watson, Saunders House, was Saunders Smirnoff, a son of Maraiscote Nickleback, that made 5800gs selling to DW Johnson, Blackhalls

Aberdeen Angus met a sound trade reaching 5000gns for Berwick Hill Eston Arrow from LR Carmichael and Son, South East Farm.

Breeding heifers sold to £3400 twice for Limousin heifers with calves at foot, from Gordon and Julie Sedgewick, Ricknall Grange and Messrs Tindale, Paradise.

Leading Prices

Bulls – Lim – 8000gns, 5500gns, 4000gns, JM and SM Priestley; 5800gns, A and W Watson; 5000gns, A and D Proctor. A-A –5000gns, 4000gns LR Carmichael and Son. Hfd – 3800gns T and D Harrison

Heifers and second calvers with calves – BB – £3200 Paradise; £2800 Newlands Haugh. Lim – £3400 Paradise and Ricknall Grange; £3200 Ricknall Grange and West Wharmley; £3100 (x2) West Wharmley; £3000 Ricknall Grange; £2900 Paradise (x2) and West Wharmley (x6); £2800 Westerheugh. Blonde X – £2400 Paradise. Char – £2650 Newlands Haugh. A-A X – £3000 Flotterton; £2900 Newlands Haugh; £2850 Flotterton; £2800 Newlands Haugh; £2700 (x2) and £2550 Flotterton; £2500 Newlands Haugh and Flotterton (x2); £2400 (x3) and £2300 Flotterton. Sim – Sim X – £2800, £2750, £2650 Newlands Haugh.

Auctioneers: Hexham and Northern Marts.