More than £200,000 worth of agricultural machinery, tools, and equipment has been marked with forensic code.

Northumberland Partnership Against Rural Crime (NPARC) teamed up with NFU Mutual and SelectaDNA, marking property with invisible DNA code which helps police spot stolen property and identify owners.

Another tagging event will take place in Lucker on September 18, with representatives from NPARC providing crime prevention advice and addressing concerns about rural crime.

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Sergeant Calum Meikle, of Northumbria Police, said: “We've been delighted with the early response to these events and it’s great that a large amount of rural equipment has already been forensically marked.

“This technology is a significant step in our ongoing battle against rural crime – and I’d encourage anyone from our rural communities who has yet to do so to come along."

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Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner Kim McGuinness said: “Local people in our rural communities are always fantastic at doing their bit to support Northumbria Police in the fight against rural crime.

"From our committed volunteers to the professional NPARC partnership I’ve funded, there is a really joined up effort in wanting to catch criminals, stop them in their tracks and make it really difficult for them to operate in our region.

"The more difficult we make it for them, the more we will see crime fall. I hope this and all the other robust operations and prevention initiatives make clear just how important our rural communities are to Northumbria Police and I.”

To book a space at the event, email