The Westmorland County Agricultural Society's Farm Open Days lifted the lid on farming and food production for children, with fun activities, the opportunity to meet animals, and more.

The bi-annual educational event was hosted at Heaves Farm, Levens by the Mason family over two days last week.

One attendee said: "It was an amazing two days – fantastic to see children and adults finding out about where their food comes from and how UK farming is helping the environment."

(Image: Supplied)

Another attendee added, “The farm visit was amazing and our children haven’t stopped talking about it!"

During the open days, pupils witnessed milk production and sheep shearing, and some even saw a calf being born.

Other activities included exploring the life cycle of bees through an active hive, observing hatching eggs in the poultry section, and tasting 'eggy bread'.

The children also had the chance to engage in composting, create seed bombs, and go on a woodland walk.

Westmorland County Agricultural Society extended its gratitude to the demonstrators and volunteers who contributed to the event's success, as well as the companies and organisations that contributed toward costs.