A man who worked hard to establish recognition for RABI, the leading UK farming charity, in East Yorkshire has been presented with a top award by Yorkshire Agricultural Society.

The Society and Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution (RABI) make an award each year to the individual who has made the most outstanding contribution to the Yorkshire rural community and this year’s went to William Lamb.

He was the founder member of the East Yorkshire RABI committee, working on his own for some years to establish RABI recognition in the county. Willie was on the RABI committee for more than 30 years, was an integral part of its work and is still a huge supporter.

He is a member of the Pickering Farmers Lodge and was instrumental is obtaining £6,000 for RABI over recent years.

Willie was born on a farm near Lund, taking over the running of the farm in his 20s. It is entirely arable now but previously had sheep, pigs, and cattle.

He used to be the president of Bainton Young Farmers Club, meeting his wife Gill through the club. He and Gill have three children, Charlie, Julia and Anthony. Last year Willie was still driving the combine when needed but, due to his failing sight, Charlie now runs the business.

Willie was also County Chair of NFU and as part of that travelled on the Royal Yacht with the late Queen. He was also a member of the Yorkshire Agricultural Adventurers whose object is to promote the welfare of all engaged in agriculture by kindling an adventurous spirit.

Allister Nixon, chief executive of the Yorkshire Agricultural Society, said: “We congratulate Willie on achieving this very prestigious award, it is so well deserved.”