Texel breeders from Uruguay, Chile and the Netherlands have just concluded a week long visit to the UK as part of the British Texel Sheep Society’s 50th anniversary celebrations.

Taking part in the society’s international visitors event, the delegates enjoyed a packed week of shows, farm visits and technical workshops, kicking off with the society’s 50th anniversary Textravaganza National Show in Carlisle and concluding with the Texel judging and members reception at the Great Yorkshire Show.

In between these events the group were hosted at Scotland’s Rural College SRUC, gaining an insight about how CT scanning plays a key part in the society’s texelplus genetic improvement programme and previous, current and future research and development into environmental, meat quality and carcass trait issues.

As part of the visit they viewed portable accumulation chambers (PACs) and feed intake monitors, learning how these are being used to identify the most sustainable sheep that produce high-quality carcasses to form the next generation of breeding stock

Delegates also visited AB Europe’s Edinburgh AI centre to understand more about the work done in selecting and preparing animals for semen and embryo collection for export overseas.

Added to this was a visit to Neil Harvey’s Blackadder Texel flock, at Duns, near Berwick, with many of the breeders also making private trips to other flocks before and after the formal tour.

SRUC’s Nicola Lambe said the group had been interested to learn more about the research work being done into environmental issues which was pertinent for the Uruguayan contingent as they have supported INIA Uruguay, a similar research organisation to SRUC, just as the Texel Sheep Society has collaborated with SRUC, to jointly contribute to the Grass2Gas project, an important project that has helped standardise phenotype measurements of methane production in sheep internationally.

Uruguayan breeder Lucas La Cava said: “We had five extremely valuable days for the delegation of Uruguayan breeders. We were able to see in detail all the work being done in the UK, selection, genetic improvement, breeding, and shows. We have returned to Uruguay with many ideas, but above all, with the joy of friendship with our British counterparts. Overall we must thank the Texel Sheep Society for the opportunity to take part in this workshop and the opportunities it has given us.”

Chilean delegate Guillermo Rodríguez, a vet, added that being able to visit several prominent breeders had been a highlight of the trip. “They took the time to explain their breeding, selection and production methods," he said. "That was truly enriching for us, helping me to unify criteria to continue selecting and improving the best sheep meat breed in the world.

“We cannot thank the Texel Society and those who hosted us enough for their hospitality and the knowledge they shared."

Dutch breeder Hans Kolk said: “We now breed the British type of Texel here in the Netherlands, so it was great to visit flocks in the UK.

“At SRUC we saw the CT scanning program and the methane research, which was interesting as we are undertaking similar research here in the Netherlands. It was also wonderful to see all the breeders with their families participating in the Textravaganza National Show and the Great Yorkshire Show.”