The Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) is set to lead a £2.3m research project to 'fill knowledge gaps' on avian influenza (bird flu) disease status, transmission and risk to mammals.

Scientists from the APHA, alongside the British Trust for Ornithology, RSPB, University of Edinburgh and NatureScot, will collect and analyse samples from a range of bird and mammal populations to better understand how the virus behaves and fill current gaps in understanding about its transmission within wild birds, as well as the wider risks to mammals.

APHA said an expanded database of wild bird and mammal samples will allow scientists to better evaluate virus circulation and immunity in wild bird populations.

The most recent outbreaks of the current H5N1 strain of high pathogenicity bird flu, were the largest ever in the UK and devastated wild bird populations including seabirds such as gannets and black-headed gulls.

This strain has also infected numerous species of wild mammals around the world, including otters and foxes in Great Britain.

To improve the existing data on wild birds, teams from across the consortia are sampling different bird species under license to assess the presence of active infection or antibodies from previous exposure to avian influenza viruses.

APHA said this will help scientists understand the extent to which native bird populations have developed an immune response to the virus and how the circulation of different avian influenza virus subtypes might impact upon the emergence of new notifiable avian influenza viruses.

The research team will also consider the impact of avian influenza on wild mammals.

In Great Britain, mammals have been affected where they have likely scavenged on birds that have died from the disease.

The project will assess the susceptibility of different species and the potential mechanisms by which the virus spreads between bird species and mammals and what role mammals might play in disease spread during an outbreak – such as via the feet and fur.

The team will test mammals including rats, foxes and otters in high-risk environments – where there have been mass mortality events recorded in birds in the past two years – to understand whether exposure from infected wild birds and the carcasses of animals that have succumbed to infection has led to an antibody response.

Influenza and avian virology workgroup leader at the APHA, Prof Ashley Banyard, said: “Having access to a wider range of samples will mean we can study avian influenza viruses in much greater detail to learn more about how they behave and interact and how this might affect future disease outbreaks.

“This vital research project brings together some of the leading ornithological organisations to help gather the samples, and ultimately, following diagnostic testing, increase our understanding of avian influenza viruses across bird populations within Great Britain.

“This will help APHA inform the development of future strategies to protect our wildlife and minimise the impacts of this awful disease on both animals and humans.”

Defra deputy chief scientific adviser Justine Betja said: This collaboration brings together a wealth of expertise to enhance our understanding of one of our most serious animal health challenges.

“The results from this co-ordinated scientific effort will be a vital contribution to our preparations for future disease outbreaks to help us protect the health of animals, humans and the environment.”