Sheep farmers still have time to get their ewes in the right body condition score (BCS) ahead of putting the rams in for tupping.

Stephen Huck, beef and sheep development manager at Carr’s Billington, says farmers can take steps to put condition on any thin ewes now.

“Grass production has been slow this year and most people are fairly tight on grass cover,” said Mr Huck.

“This may have had an impact on BCS, which is really the be all and end all to a successful tupping time.”

He says the ideal BCS for lowland ewes ahead of tupping time is three to 3.5, while hill ewes should have a score of no less than 2.5.

“It takes about ten weeks of good grazing to increase BCS by one, and poor grass growth means some leaner ewes may not be in the right condition,” added Mr Huck.

“These thinner ewes can be supplemented ahead of tupping with a hard feed. This is an easy way to get condition on those ewes.”

Mr Huck says the BCS of rams should also be monitored before tupping time to ensure they are in the best shape to do their jobs.

“Tups should be in a fit, but not fat condition prior to going in with the ewes,” adds Mr Huck.

“They should have a BCS of between 3 and 3.5, and farmers should also give them hard feed during tupping to keep their energy levels up while they are working.”

Post-tupping, Mr Huck says ewe body condition should be maintained all the way through to scanning.

“This can be achieved in most cases by introducing a bit of haylage or silage, or feed blocks which have just enough nutrition to hold the ewes in that condition,” adds Mr Huck.