All bird keepers are being urged to remain vigilant and take action to protect their flocks following a further increase in the avian influenza risk levels in Great Britain.

The risk level of HPAI H5 in poultry where there is suboptimal or poor biosecurity has increased to medium with low uncertainty, Defra said.

The risk level where good biosecurity is consistently applied at all times remains assessed as low with low uncertainty and the risk level in wild birds remains assessed as high.

(Image: Newsquest)

A spokesperson for Defra added: "Practicing good biosecurity at all times protects the health and welfare of your birds and for commercial keepers will help protect your business from HPAI and other diseases."

The update came after highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N5 was confirmed in commercial poultry at a premises near Hornsea, East Yorkshire, last week. All poultry on the infected premises have been humanely culled. A 3km protection zone and 10km surveillance zone has been put in place surrounding the premises.

Anyone operating in a bird flu disease control zone must follow the rules for that zone and check if a licence to move poultry, poultry by-products, eggs, material or mammals is needed.