There is no better joy than watching our dogs zoom around the garden – from sniffing out their favourite sticks to chasing that one ball they won’t leave alone.

But as they make the most of their personal outdoor space, it’s important as owners we make it as safe as possible so they can continue to explore without any harm.

This includes the "everyday" plants and flowers we choose to bring into our gardens, as unfortunately some can be poisonous for dogs – but what are they?

‘Everyday’ garden plants that could harm your dog

Neil McKenzie, a home safety expert from Halton Stairlifts has pointed out a few plants you've likely seen around British gardens that could be trouble for your furry pal.


Lovely to look at, but a no-go for dogs. Even a little nibble on a lily can cause serious kidney issues for your dog.


A garden staple in the UK, but if your dog eats the leaves or flowers, it could lead to stomach upset and more.


It's everywhere, climbing up walls and fences, but it's bad news for dogs. Eating ivy can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and drooling.

The Northern Farmer: Do you make sure your garden is full of dog-friendly plants?Do you make sure your garden is full of dog-friendly plants? (Image: Getty)


Often used in gardens for hedges, yew is toxic to dogs. It can affect the heart and might even be fatal if ingested.


Including those pretty azaleas, this plant can make your dog very sick, with effects ranging from drooling to a serious drop in blood pressure.

Instead, try to feature dog-friendly options like roses (watch out for thorns), camellias, or petunias in your garden. You get to enjoy the blooms, and your dog stays safe.

Neil Mckenzie said: “Gardens are great, but your dog's safety comes first.

“Knowing which plants are common in UK gardens and which of those are harmful can keep your pooch out of harm's way.

“So, next time you're planning to add a new plant to your garden, think about whether it's safe for your four-legged friend.”

Other garden plants and flowers poisonous to dogs

Johanna Buitelaar-Warden, founder of Lords and Labradors also suggested other garden flowers and plants that are poisonous to dogs, including:

  • Aconitum
  • Amaryllis bulbs
  • Asparagus fern
  • Azalea
  • Bluebells
  • Cyclamen
  • Daffodil bulbs
  • Delphiniums
  • Dog's Mercury (Mercurialis perennis)
  • Foxgloves
  • Hemlock
  • Hyacinth
  • Laburnum
  • Lupins
  • Morning glory
  • Nightshade
  • Oleander
  • Rhubarb leaves
  • Sweet pea
  • Tulip bulbs
  • Umbrella plant
  • Wisteria

Johanna commented: “Understanding which plants can pose risks to our canine companions is essential for ensuring their well-being. Whether causing minor digestive discomfort or presenting grave hazards, the range of toxicity among these plants is vast and varied. 

“By being informed, we can take proactive steps to safeguard our furry friends from potential harm.”

Recommended reading:

What to do if your dog eats a poisonous plant

“In the unfortunate event that your dog consumes any of these toxic flowers, an immediate trip to the vets is paramount. Attempting to induce vomiting at home can worsen the situation, potentially causing further danger for your pet,” advised Johanna.

“Look out for symptoms of plant poisoning, which include drooling, decreased appetite, lethargy, vomiting or diarrhea, increased drinking or urination, skin rashes, redness, mouth ulcers, pale gums, and in severe cases, twitching, seizures, or collapse.

 “In such emergencies, providing your veterinarian with key information is crucial for effective treatment.”

The Northern Farmer: Does your dog spend a lot of time in the garden?Does your dog spend a lot of time in the garden? (Image: Getty)

It’s important to mention details such as:

  • The suspected poison your dog has come into contact with 
  • The estimated amount of exposure that your dog has had with the toxic substance
  • The timing of the exposure (e.g. minutes, hours, or days ago)

Johanna continued: “Additionally, when bringing your dog to the vet, remember to bring along any samples of the poison, such as a piece of the plant. Prioritise your own safety by ensuring that you take appropriate precautions to prevent any risk of poisoning to yourself.

“Remember, acting swiftly can be the key to your dog's quick recovery by giving your vet a head start in addressing any floral-related mishaps. Procrastinating and awaiting symptoms to manifest is comparable to gambling with your pet's health, risking potentially avoidable consequences.”